First Eucharist / First Communion

First Eucharist / First Communion

First Holy Communion, that is, sharing in the Body and Blood of the Lord at Mass (Eucharist) for the first time, is the climax of the Initiation Process.

Eating and drinking with the rest of the Church at the Table of the Lord is a sign of belonging fully to that Community.

Confirmation is celebrated together with, or just prior to, First Reception (First Communion) of the Eucharist.

When and where?

The local Parish is usually where children celebrate Confirmation and First Communion because the Parish is their local community of Faith.

From about the age of seven years, children who were Baptised as infants may be considered eligible for Confirmation and First Reception (First Communion) of the Eucharist.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who prepares the children for Confirmation and First Communion?

It is the duty of parents and the Parish to offer children prayerful and practical help to celebrate the Sacraments with proper devotion and to coach them in the rituals of receiving the Sacraments.

Parishes conduct Sacramental Preparation Programs that involve the child and parents and assists parents to do their part in preparing their children.

What do the Children Wear?

In the past, the white dress and veil has been the standard dress for girls celebrating First Communion. Our way of celebrating the Sacraments have changed over the years, as has the accepted style of dress for important occasions. What is appropriate will be influenced by the varying situations, traditions and wishes of the families involved. We do encourage boys to wear a white shirt, and girls to wear a white dress. 


Contact the Parish Centre to find out about the Sacramental Preparation Program and to make enquiries about enrolling your child.


Contact the Parish Centre for further information.